"The best parts of humans can be cultivated. Isn't that good news? Every child should know this.”

- Chris McKenna, Mindful Schools

Mindfulness Explained

The simplest definition of mindfulness is noticing what’s happening in the present moment without labeling it “good” or “bad”  (i.e. without judgement). Why is this a difference maker? Because it gives us the opportunity to create or sharpen our self regulation skills. To make a choice on how we want to live each day - happy, sad, kind, angry or loving - and include a sense of kindness toward ourselves and others.

The Science of Mindfulness

Over the past 20 years, scientists have made miraculous discoveries about how the brain works. These studies include how mindfulness affects the brain.

  • Pre-frontal cortex – critical to executive functions such as focusing and emotion control.Mindfulness contributes to more activation.

  • Amygdala – home of flight or fight response (fear). Mindfulness contributes to less activation.

  • Hippocampus – critical to learning and memory and helps regulate the amygdala. Mindfulness contributes to more activation. 

In other words, we can change our brains! We have the ability, within us, to better manage how to respond to life's ups and downs.

Source: Mindful Schools